I dare you to ask 5 friends for the best hiking spots in Okinawa and you will get 5 different answers.  Even Google will bring up a very different list based on some unknown factors.  But the best of the best will be found when you try a new destination, conquer a path, see some new sights, and decide for yourself. 

Now, I know you can look up a well-known destination on your own, but you’ll probably meet everyone else on the island. You may even follow a sign on the side of the road, and you won’t always get the full experience from an ITT trip.

Whether you’ve been on island for a while or you’re a newbie, maybe the point of this article is just to help you find a trail you’d like to hike.  Here are three of top hiking spots in Okinawa with varying levels of difficulty:

My Top 3 Hiking Spots in Okinawa

1. Super Easy Hike: Sukuta Todoroki Waterfall

This hike seemed to have minimal obstacles.  It was more of a scramble to get around the ticket booth, pay the admission, and walk to the boardwalk.  Yes, a boardwalk. A wooden path and platform have been constructed for easy passage and safe viewing. 

On the way, there is a forked path with an option to walk around or through the trees.  In this very easy forest path, there are signs to learn about Forest Bathing, Shinrin-yoku, a vital part of Japanese preventative healthcare that originated here in Japan, as well as placards with information of local plant, animal, and insect species. 

Even though this hike is on the easier side of the list, it’s bound to be remembered with the beauty of all that is Japan, and you’ll be rewarded with the views of the waterfall. 

hiking spots in Okinawa

After you’ve finished your hike and your wildlife lesson, you can reward yourself with a hot meal or a coffee at the little cafe Yukuru in the parking lot.  This is a family friendly hike, and even has picnic tables on site.  You could easily make this a partial day trip.

2. Hard Hike: Indy Jones Mile

Did you know there’s a trail on the island called Indy Jones Mile?  This one is only on my bucket list as a surprise activity for my husband (I hope he’s not reading this!). 

I have not completed this hike physically to review it, but I added it to my list because I’m so excited about it!  It’s only 1 mile, but I added it to the hard category because of the obstacles, changes in difficulty, and the rewards that come with the challenges. It is listed with ropes to help you cross obstacles, rocks, caves, castle ruins, and all on an unpaved hill.  A flashlight was recommended for the caves and a walking stick! 

I found this one only on the Alltrails app, and ironically, Waze, although it did not look completely accurate.  Previous trekkers state it should take an hour to complete. 

Hints: Take the trail on a dry day when the trail won’t be slippery and the trees will offer shade.  There are definitely snakes on this trail, so are prepared, be on the lookout!

3. Medium Hike: The B and C Course in Gushichan

The B and C course in Gushichan, Yaese, near Gushichan Ruins is not on all maps.  You can find Course B and C on Apple Maps and Ruins of Ufu Ancestral Village (in kanji) in Google Maps.

Way down south, past Nanjo and Yaese, almost all the way down to the southernmost coast of Okinawa, there is a little forest, disguised as a national park, topped by the Gushichan Ruins. Maybe the ruins themselves could be classified as the easy hike!  I would deem this a difficult hike.

Hiking spots in okinawa

This one is almost off the grid, yet it seems well-maintained for being so remote.  This trail will also give you a good workout and take your breath away!  It’s not listed on Alltrails or Google Maps, or even maps.me, but you can see it on Apple Maps. 

Here are my overall hiking hints when hiking spots in Okinawa: always bring water, make sure you wear closed-toed shoes (this flip-flops girl will be the first to complain!), and always be on the lookout for snakes and spiders. 

When you are headed to a new destination, don’t forget to look for hiking options.  You can search by difficulty, terrain, or even the name with the Alltrails app, but good ol’ google is always there for you. 

Make the most of this topical island and get outdoors.  Hike when you can.  Find a new trail to blaze and take your friends or family. Happy trails!

Looking for more? Check out these other popular articles on sports and activities in Okinawa

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