Wondering what simple Japanese phrases to know before you arrive in Japan? Well hello! Konnichiwa! こんにちは! Embarking on the journey to Okinawa can be an exciting and enriching experience, but navigating this language barrier can be quite difficult. Arming yourself with some basic Japanese phrases to know before you arrive can greatly enhance your experience, ease communication, and show respect to the local culture.

Japanese Phrases to Know

In Japan, people greet each other by bowing, which can range from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist. It is a fundamental part of their social etiquette. Bowing can also be used to thank, congratulate, and apologize to others.

Tip: download the Google Translate app for Apple or Android and download Japanese for offline use.

Some Essential Japanese Phrases To Know

Below are some of the essential Japanese phrases to know and keep in your back pocket for your off-base adventures in Okinawa.

  • Hello
    • Konnichiwa
    • こんにちは
  • Goodbye
    • Sayōnara
    • さようなら
  • Please (formal)
    • O negai Shimas
    • お願いします
  • Nice to Meet You
    • Hajimemashite
    • はじめまして
  • Good Morning
    • Ohayo Gozaimas
    • おはようございます
  • Excuse Me/I’m Sorry
    • Sumimasen
    • すみません
  • Please (informal)
    • Kudasai
    • ください
  • My Name Is..
    • Watashi Wa [Name] Des
    • わたしは [Name] です
  • Good Evening
    • Konbanwa
    • こんばんは
  • Thank You
    • Arigatō Gozaimas
    • ありがとうございます
  • Yes/No
    • Hai/Īe
    • はい/いいえ
  • This Please (ordering)
    • Kore Kudasai
    • これください

Fun Japanese Phrases To Know

  • Where is the bathroom?
    • O-te-arai Wa Doko Deska?
    • おてあらいはどこですか
  • A Beer to Start With!
    • Toriaezu Biru!
    • とりあえずビール
  • Where is the beach?
    • Bichi Wa Doko Deska?
    • ビーチはどこですか
  • I’m Hungry (literally Lonely Mouth)
    • Kuchisabishi
    • 口寂しい
  • Do you speak English?
    • Eigo O Hanasemasu Ka?
    • えいご を はなせますか
  • I’m Full/Food Coma (literally Eat Till You Drop)
    • Kuidaore
    • 食い倒れ

Looking for more? Check out these other popular articles on moving to Okinawa.

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