Learning how to purchase a vehicle in Okinawa and navigate the island’s vibrant market can be intimidating for newbies. With unique shapes and colors unlike anything in the states, Okinawa offers a diverse array of options tailored to meet your needs – whether you’re seeking reliability, a taste of exotic, or something large enough for your whole family’s weekend getaways.
Who Can Purchase a Vehicle in Okinawa?
Only the sponsor can register and purchase a vehicle in Okinawa. This means that family members cannot, on their own, register and purchase a vehicle in Okinawa in their own name. The vehicle will always be registered under the sponsor’s information.

When Am I Able to Purchase a Vehicle in Okinawa?
A general rule of thumb to remember is that SOFA personnel are allowed one 4-wheeled vehicle per SOFA licensed member in the household. So, if you are a family of two SOFA licensed drivers, you are allowed two vehicles, family of four SOFA licensed drivers, four vehicles, and so on. However, only the sponsor is able to register the vehicles as stated above. Refer to our article about Getting Your Okinawa Driver’s License for more information about licensing.
Where Can I Shop for Vehicles?

There are various car retailers in Okinawa, as well as private seller purchasing options. If you are on a tight budget, purchasing a vehicle from someone leaving the island may be your best bet – sellers are motivated to get rid of their vehicles before it’s too late! Check out different Facebook groups such as $1500 or Less Cars on Okinawa, Kadena Air Base Resale Lot, and Okinawa PCS Yard Sales for car listings.
Local used car dealership options are abundant. The most popular for military families are Payless Motors, Johnny’s Used Cars, and BC Motors. The prices of used cars on the island are much lower than what you would expect to pay in the U.S., with a good car averaging between $2,500 and $4,000 depending on make and year of the vehicle. The advantage of purchasing from a dealership is that they complete the vehicle’s JCI inspection prior to purchase and generally change the oil/fluids, too. Most dealerships also have the option to obtain car insurance at the time of purchase, which saves you a trip to the insurance office, and they offer different warranties on the vehicle.
Where Do I Purchase Car Insurance?
If you need to obtain insurance on your own, check out Chubb and AIG. Chubb has several locations on different installations – Kadena, Camp Foster, Camp Courtney, Camp Hansen, Camp Kinser, and Futenma. AIG operates out of installation USO offices.
Car insurance must be renewed every year and the cost varies depending on age/rank of the sponsor.
I Bought a Vehicle: How Do I Register It?
The Joint Services Vehicle Registration Office, located on Camp Foster Building 5638, serves all SOFA personnel assigned to bases and units in Okinawa. Make sure you bring with you all vehicle paperwork, including the legal title, current JCI and insurance, and road tax receipt and your SOFA and stateside driver’s licenses. The staff at the JSVRO will walk you through the necessary paperwork.
What Does JCI Mean?
Japanese Compulsory Inspection, commonly referred to as JCI, is the Government of Japan’s requirement for all SOFA personnel to register any vehicle and needs to be renewed every 24 months for used cars. The JCI is a pass/fail full car inspection. If your vehicle fails, you will be given an itemized list of what to complete before trying again. If your vehicle passes, you will obtain a new vehicle title, new JCI expiration date, and new GOJ inspection sticker from the Camp Foster JSVRO.
The JCI inspection can be done at an off base authorized mechanic or by the mechanic shop on base. You may also complete your inspection at the Exchange behind the JSVRO on Camp Foster.
Road Tax
Every year beginning 1 April, drivers are required to pay road tax for their vehicles. For white-plated cars, drivers can pay at various collection sites on base. Yellow-plated cars and motorcycles must be paid at city hall in Yen, then the driver must bring the receipt, proof of current insurance, and valid JCI to the JSVRO to get a new road tax sticker. Be sure to complete this prior to 31 May, or you may be subject to fines.

License Plates – Yellow, White, A, and Y
In Okinawa, SOFA personnel’s vehicles are distinguished by the letter “A” or “Y” on the far-left side of the license plate. “Y” plates are white, whereas “A” plates are yellow. Yellow-plate vehicles are commonly referred to as “Kei” cars, “light” in Japanese, because they are smaller and have less powerful engines. Yellow-plate vehicles pay less road tax, are generally less expensive, and have better fuel efficiency than white-plate counterparts. Local Japanese drivers have similar plates, except theirs are distinguished by a Hiragana letter on the left.

Although these requirements might seem daunting, a drive to many of the beautiful locations on Okinawa make staying on top of these requirements worthwhile. Happy adventuring!
Looking for more? Check out these other popular articles on moving to Okinawa.

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Kaily Watson is an Air Force spouse living in Okinawa with her husband and 4 cats. She is a criminal defense and insurance bad faith paralegal working remotely for two law firms based in Washington. Kaily is a master’s degree holder in legal studies and has a passion for advocacy.
The Watsons arrived to Okinawa in September 2023 and have been enjoying every second. Snorkeling, coffee tasting, and shopping are some of her favorite things to do.