For military families preparing for a move to Okinawa, the prospect of finding the right high school for their children is both exciting and filled with questions. There are only two high schools on base in Okinawa, though: Kadena High School and Kubasaki High School.

One big question parents and students ask when moving their high schoolers to Okinawa is “Well, what about sports?” There are a plethora of sports activities available at each school including football, baseball/softball, basketball, and more. The two high schools do play each other quite a bit, but they often play teams off base and even have the opportunity to travel to mainland Japan and Korea to play teams in those locations.

DODEA Base Schools

In Okinawa, all base high schools fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA). Both Kadena High School and Kubasaki High School are run by DODEA. One of the issues some students face when transferring from a non-DODEA high school to a DODEA high school is the transfer of credits. Contact your School Liaison Officer (contacts below) to check your child’s transcript and to see what credits will or will not transfer.

Placement Based on Housing

The high school your child attends will depend on the housing area in which your family resides. For families living off-base, enrollment is facilitated at the nearest location, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all students.

School Liaison Officers

Navigating the educational landscape in Okinawa is made easier with the support of School Liaison Officers (SLOs). These officers serve as invaluable resources for military families, offering guidance and assistance throughout the enrollment process. Depending on your branch of service, you’ll liaise with different SLOs:

  • Marine Corps: School Liaison Officer dedicated to Marine Corps families.
  • Air Force/Kadena: School Liaison Officer assisting Air Force and Kadena Air Base families.

These officers can provide insights into school options, enrollment requirements, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Kadena High School High Schools on Base in Okinawa

What You Need to Enroll in High Schools on Base in Okinawa

Before enrolling your child in a base high school, ensure you have the necessary documentation on hand:

  • Copy of orders
  • Area Clearance
  • Housing form (provided by the school) or a piece of mail for off-base locations
  • Vaccination records
  • Transcripts (if applicable)

You can complete the enrollment paperwork either in person at the school office or conveniently online.

Exploring High Schools on Base in Okinawa

Let’s take a closer look at the high schools available at different military installations across Okinawa:

Kadena Air Base:

Camp Butler Installations:

Choosing the right high school for your child in Okinawa is a significant decision, but armed with the necessary information and support, military families can navigate this process with confidence. By understanding the school placement criteria, engaging with School Liaison Officers, and completing enrollment requirements, families can ensure their children receive a quality education in a nurturing environment tailored to the unique needs of military life.

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