What fuels Okinawa’s vibrant energy and keeps its inhabitants buzzing with excitement? Coffee, of course! We've put together a small list of some of the best coffee shops in Okinawa for you. Okinawa’s brew-tiful coffee scene offers cozy and quirky cafés for all the...
The Struggle of Working On Base in Okinawa and Resources to Help
Jul 2, 2024 | Moving to Okinawa, Working in Okinawa | 0 Comments
You're about to move overseas and you want to start working on base in Okinawa as soon as you arrive here. This is a daunting experience and one that can often be very confusing for newcomers. Hopefully this guide can help you navigate this new road a little bit...
A Comprehensive Guide To Working Remote as a SOFA-Sponsored Dependent in Japan
Apr 17, 2024 | Moving to Okinawa, Working in Okinawa | 0 Comments
Working Remote as a SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) is now more achievable than it's ever been. Gone are the days when military spouses had to hit pause on their careers when duty called for an overseas move. Thanks to the rise of remote work, spouses are empowered...
Welcome to PCS Okinawa!
PCS Okinawa is here to help guide you through the process of getting yourself and your family to Okinawa, as well as to provide you resources, activities, and current events of things going on all around the island during your tour here.
PCS Okinawa is run by military spouses of all branches, so that we can provide a comprehensive guide for unaccompained, UDP, and incoming families and help make the transition to and stay in Okinawa even better.