The answer to what should be in your OCONUS PCS binder is going to vary from family to family, so I’m going to share what is essential in an OCONUS PCS binder. Keep in mind that this could vary widely based on the different needs and ages of those in your family.

The Main Essentials For Your OCONUS PCS Binder
Here are the main essentials for your OCONUS PCS Binder:
- PCS Orders – the more copies you have the better! Everyone seems to need a copy at both the gaining and losing base
- Out-processing Checklist
- Printed Itineraries and Hotel information
- Passports – make sure they are not expired!
- Birth Certificates and Social Security Number Cards for all family members
- Immunization Records
- Health Records w/discs
- Dental/optometry records
- Sealed School Records/ Transcripts including copies of latest IEP/504/Gifted reports
- Marriage Records/divorce/court custody documents/Last Will/Family
- Care Plan
- Power of Attorney (if applicable)
- Training certificates/diplomas/resume
- Veterinarian/Pet Records w/Microchip information
- Vehicle Title/Registration/Insurance/VPC Storage location
These are just a FEW of the potential things to put in your OCONUS PCS Binder. I personally found that accordion files work amazing for this binder! They are easy to bring along in backpacks at the airport and don’t take up too much space! I hope this helps you a little during the stressful times of an OCONUS PCS!
Looking for more? Check out these other popular articles on moving to Okinawa.

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